How Measuring Higher-Order Skills Supports Success for Students, Faculty, and Institutions

How Measuring Higher-Order Skills Supports Success for Students, Faculty, and Institutions

Understanding how well developed your students’ critical thinking, problem-solving, and written communication skills will help them prepare for success in today’s innovation economy.

Use our quick checklist to select an assessment that delivers the data you need to support future-ready skill development.

Stand Out, Evolve, and Excel With Higher-Order Skills Solutions

CAE is your partner in preparing students for success in the innovation economy. Our higher-order skills solutions, including the performance-based Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA+), critical thinking curricula, professional development, and high-value micro-credentials, ensure students have the skills needed to meet the demands of rapidly evolving job market. 

Interested in learning more about how CAE can enhance the employability and future success of your graduates? Fill out the form to request a live demo and free consultation.

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